Posts Tagged by the adventures of anabel axelrod
FREE Addictive Romance Series
August 19, 2018 | Filled under Contemporary Romance |
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Happily single and wary of “true love,” Anabel Axelrod is no Cinderella waiting for her Prince Charming to come, but has she finally met her match in the seductive Luke Drake? Or has he met his?
“Tracy Ellen is a master of dialogue, and the witty banter between Anabel and Luke always had the goofiest of smiles plastered across my face.” -Amazon Reader
“I can honestly say I’m completely hooked and ready for more. Be prepared to SOL ( snort out loud), curse out some characters and say, ” She seriously did not just have THAT happen!” Can not wait to get my hands on the rest of this series! ~” -READER
“This trio of books was absolutely fun to read. I love the bond that these characters have. Luke & Anabel’s relationship is unconventional but truly amazing. Any girl would be lucky to find soneone like Luke & any guy would like a tough girl like Anabel. I look forward to reading more!” -Amazon Reader
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